PIONEER PL-S50, PL-S70 Turntable Isolation Feet (Set of Four)

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  • Regular price $129.99
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These feet are larger than factory PL-S50 and S70 feet. They're a custom made substitute upgrade for replacing the Pioneer PL-S50 / S-70 factory feet. 

PIONEER PL-S50 and PL-S70 Turntable Vinyl Record Player / Turntable Isolation Upgrade Feet.

Sold in Set of Four.

Each Pioneer PL-S50 and PL-S70 upgrade upgrade isolation foot measures 1-1/4" tall x 1-3/4" outter diameter with machined 6061 grade aluminum shell.

Includes four #10 wood screws for mounting.

PIONEER PL-520 Turntable Isolation Feet For sale.

Custom turntable isolation feet for PIONEER PL-S50 and and PL-S70 Turntable.