Monoprice Monolith Turntable Height Adjustable Turntable Isolation Feet (Set of Three)

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Upgrade your Monolith turntable model 600045, 60046, and 600047 with these custom made height adjustable turntable isolation feet made by Mnpctech's family workshop in Minnesota.

 Today I learned how to adjust the level on my Monolith turntable with Mnpctech isolation Feet.

These custom made Mnpctech height and level adjusting feet for Monoprice and Monlith turntables offer more stability to help eliminate vibrations and needle skipping.

*Turn bottom of foot for easy height adjustment (1/4" range) for leveling your phonograph / record player or turntable.

*Each foot measures 1-3/4" diameter by 2" or adjusted to 2-1/4".

*Each foot has 1/2" x 3/4" tall Neoprene foot on bottom to help pivot your turntable and protect your audio furniture or fixture.

*Three 8/32 wood screws are included with the feet. 

Step one is remove the factory feet on your Monolith turntable. Unscrew the bottom from Mnpctech foot and attach top portion to the bottom of your Monolith turntable.

1. Remove the factory feet on Monolith turntable with Phillips screwdriver.

2. Unscrew bottom of Mnpctech Monolith adjustment foot and attach the top portion of the foot to the Monolith turntable with included screw.

3. Re-attach the bottom of Mnpctech foot by hand.

4. Lift turntable to adjust each foot by hand. 

Mnpctech height adjust foot attached to the bottom of Monolith turntable.

Mnpctech custom height adjustable isolation feet for the Monoprice / Monolith turntable are CNC machined aluminum to match the Monolith turntable's speed control and power switch. The Monolith turntable community came to Mnpctech and asked that we create an height adjustable turntable foot, so you can level your turntable and get the best quality sound from your needle. The ability to level your Monolith turntable will prevent issues associated with needle skipping or carbon fiber tone arm tracking that can cause distortion or turntable hum. 

You can buy and use Mnpctech height adjustment / leveling turntable feet on your new Monolith record player.

The top of the isolation feet utilizes Sorbothane isolator to help dampen and isolate bad vibrations. In 2022, Monolith, the audio brand from Monoprice, announced three new belt driven entry level and very affordable turntables, 600045, 60046, and 600047 that feature premium components, innovative features and affordable price points. 

 Here's what the Monoprice and Monolith Phono and Vinyl community has been anxiously waiting for Mnpctech to create. You simply lift your Monoprice and Monolith turntable and twist the foot to adjust and level it's height!

Simply twist the bottom of Mnpctech's Monolith Adjustable Isolation Turntable Feet to level your turntable by 1/4" range. The three new Monoprice Monolith Analog and Vinyl turntables include Audio‑Technica moving magnet cartridges, aluminum platters and real carbon fiber tonearms, adjustable counterweight and anti-skating adjustments to give you clear audio sound. Mnpctech was asked to make and sell height adjustable turntable isolation feet for the Monoprice Monlith turntable.

Even the Monolith entry level turntable, 600045 features the Audio‑Technica AT‑3600L cartridge while the two higher-end models include Audio‑Technica's AT‑VM95E cartridges with elliptical stylus and excellent audio output. What all of these Monoprice Monolight turntable lack is height adjustable feet for leveling your Monolith. Several Monolith turntable owners have reached out to Mnpctech to create adjustable isolation feet for their Monolith turntable.