Making Fallout Game 25th Anniversary TV Show Review PC Build & Case Modding
Bringing Fallout 25th Anniversary Game & Amazon TV Show Review Gaming PC Build & Case Mod To Reality. #fallout25
Watch How To Mod Your PC With This Fallout 25th Anniversary TV Show Release PC Case Mod Theme In The Youtube Videos Published below.
Watch this tutorial how to guide on painting your PC Case mod with the fallout Blue & Yellow colors using Montana Gold Magic Blue & Easter Yellow.
Watch Part 1 of Bill Owen's Fallout TV Show game Anniversary Gaming PC Case Mod.
PC Case Modding Fans of Mnpctech's PC Modder, Bill Owen asked him for new PC case mod project to watch every stage of the PC Mod unfold before your eyes. This Fallout TV Show Anniversary PC case mod is off of Bill's bucket list! He is using the Corsair 400R midtower case Bill designed for Corsair's Headquarters in California in 2009. The commissioned PC Case design job paid twenty nine thousand dollars. Then later that next year, Corsair asked Mnpctech to mod the Corsair 400R for CES in Las Vegas. The Fallout 76 TV Show theme was requested by client who planned to give the Fallout PC as surprise gift. It's already shaping up to become one of Bill Owen / Mnpctech's most famous and timeless PC Case Mods of all time. In Part 1 of Mnpctech's Fallout PC Mod, Bill Owen shares the "Fallout Vault-Tec" concept art for this case mod created by Mnpctech. updating the front I/O panel in the Corsair 400R with I/O panel from the new Corsair 5000 case. I share our first "Hardware Drop" from Ukraine. It's going to host an authentic Nixie Clock from Russia that will reside in the 5.25 bay. I feature the stages in cutting a custom window in the Corsair mid tower case and making the acrylic clear window. Part 1 of the Fallout PC Mod video moves onto a 2nd "Hardware Drop" that shows the ASUS Z690-A PRIME motherboard for our Intel 12900K cpu. Always keep in mind that PC game publishers can hire Bill Owen from Mnpctech to create a jaw dropping gaming PC Mod to promote their new PC game release as giveaway. Gaming PC giveaways are great method for PC game publishers to get the word out about their PC game over social media.
Bill Owen has over 20 years experience in modding gaming PC cases for gaming events and marketing new PC games through giveaway campaigns on social media platforms.
Here is the otherside of the Corsair PC case used for the Fallout Anniversary theme Gaming PC Mod Giveaway by Mnpctech. This PC Case Modding Series was on PC Modder. Bill Owen's Bucket list of PC Case Mod themes.
Part 2 of Bill Owen's Fallout TV Show game Anniversary Gaming PC Case Mod.
Mnpctech's Bill Owen is using the Corsair 400R mid tower case I designed for the case company in 2009. In this video update you see two "Hardware Drops" that reveal Bill Owen's favorite choice of PC data storage by CRUCIAL MEMORY and the popular EVGA FTW RTX 3090 TI gaming gpu. You can find these EVGA RTX 3090Ti gpu's currently on the market are priced from $1000 New In Box on Ebay to $1699 on various retail PC hardware online stores. You too, like many PC game publishers and indie game developers can hire Bill Owen from Mnpctech to create an insane and jaw dropping gaming PC Case Mod to promote your upcoming PC game release. Mnpctech's founder, Bill Owen has 20+ years experience in PC modding and building crazy gaming PC's for gaming events like Twitchcon, PAX, Computex and CES in Las Vegas marketing campaigns on Social Media.
Look closer and see the Nuka-Cola logo inside this Corsair Fallout Case Mod.
Here's the rear view of the new Corsair PC case mod with Vault Boy holding Nuka-Cola on back of this Corsair Fallout Case Mod.
This Is Part 3 Video Of The Mnpctech fallout 25th Anniversary PC Case Modding Series.
In Part 3 update of my tribute to "Fallout Vault-Tec" with this mnpctech Gaming PC build and PC case mod project. Thank you for watching every stage of this PC Mod unfold here on Youtube. I'm Bill Owen, I've owned Mnpctech since 2001. This "fallout" theme PC case mod is one from my bucket list of PC Mods! You can see my other top ten bucket list PC mod builds pinned at the top of Part 2 video for my fallout PC Case Modding project series. Watching Part 3 of Bill Owen's Fallout Gaming PC Case Mod series shares his tutorial on "how to" guide on painting your own PC Case mod with the popular fallout Blue & Yellow colors using Montana Gold Magic Blue & Easter Yellow. Bill Owen is using the Corsair 400R mid tower case he designed for Corsair in 2009. The job paid $29,000 and the Corsair 400R case went on to recieive Newegg's Golden Egg award on it's release year. Later in 2010, Corsair asked Bill Owen to mod the Corsair 400R for CES Show and Display in Las Vegas. In this update 3rd installment video of my "Fallout Vault-Tec" theme Gaming PC build, you learn how Bill Owen rattle . spray bombed canned the paint this Corsair PC / Computer case. Bill also guides you through the surface preparation of painting the PC chassis and exterior steel and plastic PC case panels. You can hire Bill Owen from Mnpctech to create a jaw dropping gaming PC Mod to promote your PC hardware or new PC game release on EPIC GAMES or the STEAM store. Bill Owen has over 20 years experience in modding PC cases for PC gaming events and marketing campaigns on Social Media.
Closer look at the graphic of the "Vault-Tec Boy" on the right side panel of the Corsair 400R computer case. This graphic will be detailed further with weathering and distressing to reflect being left outside in several acid rain storms.
The old school PC fan controller from Pentium III era has been detailed with custom paint F/X to reflect usage over many, many years.
Close up look at the Mnpctech custom pc fan grill of fallout 25th anniversary vault-tec door design for 120mm cooling RGB fan by Corsair. It's been weathered with wasteland rusted patina paint effects with airbrush kit off amazon.
Final results on the Corsair 400R left aider access panel with custom Vault-Tec vault door inspired 120mm computer cooling fan grills.
Joseph sincissen
How much to have a case like this built for my personal computer