Corona Virus, Minneapolis Post Offices, Doom Eternal And PC Gaming During Quarantine.
Many friends have asked me, "How is business for your online store been during Covid-19 virus quarantine far?" We experienced a dip in sales yesterday and Sunday evening, but customer inquires have increased. Many emails with specific questions about our products. Several of these questions focused on our turntable isolation feet and case mod window kits. One of the emails was from a very popular Youtube channel personality that reviews new PC hardware. They apologized about having an inquiry during the craziness. They're building a custom water cooled gaming PC with a popular Fractal design case.
We did lose two work opportunities for building custom PC gaming PC's due to the E3 event being cancelled this summer. I don't foresee the virus effecting our overall commitments this year for building custom gaming PC giveaways. These PC giveaways are hosted online to promote new game releases.
I noticed lots of families in Minneapolis out yesterday walking around lunch time. I went to the post office on Lake Street around 4pm. This PO is in the heart of our city. Lots of people waiting in line. Nothing looked or felt different. No sight of masks or gloves. The counter staff, including Rick were cheerful as usual. It made me proud of my city in that moment. "Yeah, we can get though this together people of Minneapolis, Minnesota." Quarantine is a good excuse to get work and projects around the house finished. I believe many people are already using this time to assess unfinished projects or start new ones.
Doom Eternal game releases this Friday. I listened to Hugo Martin on Joe Rogan's podcast. I always cringe when Hugo admits to using a game console controller for PC gaming. My generation tends to put Id Software on a pedestal."We played the original dude." The timing of the school closings should be a really good for both Id and Steam. I'll watch my son play as I use this time to get jobs around house finished.